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Heritage Portfolio

Orme Boys School, Newcastle Under Lyme

About the Project

Avalon Heritage was commissioned by Kettle and Talbot Ltd to undertake a programme of historic building recording at the former Orme Centre in Newcastle under Lyme.

The site contains three buildings of interest represented by the Grade II listed Old Orme Boys' School, a two storey Edwardian school building and single storey extension fronting onto Orme Road. The building recording was required by the Staffordshire County Council Planning Archaeologist, who has been consulted by Newcastle Borough Council, prior to the conversion of the Orme Boys' School for student accommodation and prior to the demolition of the two aforementioned associated buildings and the erection of a new student block.

The original Orme Boys' School is listed for its special architectural and historic interest most particularly as an example of Gothic Revival architecture. The building shows various phases of construction stretching from its foundation in 1847 through the Edwardian period to the middle part of the 20th century. On this basis a level 3 building recording survey was undertaken on the building.

The adjacent Edwardian extension to the Orme Boys' School was constructed circa 1908 and whilst not listed is considered of heritage value given that it is located within the curtilage of the listed building and is a well-preserved example of Edwardian school architecture. This building was subject to a level 2 building recording survey.